Runs Smoothly on Mobiles and Tablets

Smartella has been built with you in mind ensuring you can use the platform seamlessly across desktops, tablets, and mobiles. You’ll be able to relax, knowing that your platform will look amazing no matter what display you and your learners are using.

Smartella Virtual Classrooms runs using the browser on your mobile device. There is no mobile app to download or install on your phone or tablet.

Mobile View

The mobile view offers learners the opportunity to access the virtual classroom smoothly on the go.

Tablet View

The tablet views follow the same design pattern as the mobile phone, which creates a familiar user experience for users on mobile devices.

Desktop View

The desktop experience is where more of the functionality becomes available to presenters and learners. Here, you will see (as a presenter) the ability to upload slides, annotations, multi-user whiteboard and other tools.

Recommended Browsers

We recommend using Chrome or Firefox because both have excellent support for the intelligent technology of WebRTC.

Microsoft Edge (the built-in browser in Windows 10) will support WebRTC in 2020. This means that Edge users will be able to join Smartella Virtual Classrooms sessions with a single click, making the platform more accessible than ever.

Firefox supports the intelligent technology of WebRTC and is a recommended browser for Smartella Virtual Classrooms.
Chrome supports the intelligent technology of WebRTC and is a recommended browser for Smartella Virtual Classrooms.
Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge browser will be supported in 2020.